It is with such fulfilled hope that I write this piece. It has always been said that Nigerians are such hopeless people when it comes to dogs and their wellbeing and welfare in our country. While there a
re glaring cases of abuses and improper disposition to the canine members of our community, however my stand have always been that there are such good people in this country who will do their very best for their dogs and even other people's dogs even if it means that they will have to go out of their way to make that a possibility.
And in the category just described above is the story of a boerboel named Skinny rescued by a dog loving couple in Abuja, the federal capital territory of Nigeria. The story is told of how the wife visited a vet clinic in Abuja and saw this boerboel that was obviously malnourished and definitely lacking in care and she made it a point of duty and responsibility to take this dog home where she believes he will get the kind of care that he deserves. And that was how Skinny (who got his name from his condition at the time of rescue) joined the household of Mr. & Mrs Opuama and their other dogs; a GSD, a Rottweiler, a Dalmatian and incredibly one of our own very local dogs.
This dedication to animals by this family is just another proof that there are indeed honorable dog people in our country who are making their little contributions in their respective locations and believe me, the little contributions are making big impacts as it is encouraging more and more people to get involved with dogs for the right reasons.
And to Mr & Mrs Opuama, please stand up and take a bow! .....and Skinny, may you continue to have the good life and your story continue inspire and consolidate the new approach in our country.
Wow! Nigerians are intrisically animal lovers as this story has illustrated...
Hi, I am a Nigerian returning home after years abroad, I bring with me my 1 n half year old bullmastiff Pup, Delta, I would like a playmate for her and was considering importing a Boerboel from S.A. if you have pups I would be interested.
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